Progresa de la pintura

Trofea turístico de la Isla del Hombre

Me gusta pintar y dibujar. Tambien me gusta el rugby. Entonces pinto jugadores de rugby.

Ellis Genge él gana Al australiano.
David Sole capitán de escosia 1990(mil novecientos noventa)

Yo pinto en acrilicos. Mi inspiración son las personas y los paisajes.

Derwentwater. Distrito inglés de los Lagos.
Mi madre
Mi nieta Violet.
Astillero. Río Tyne
Debby Harry

Mi Arte Espanol

En el Covid 19 encierro en dos mil viente yo practico el dibujo. Aqui estan los retratos.

Mi mujer Michelle
Mi Hijo Andrew

Practica de pintura

Leo articulos y revistas sobre arte y comence a pintar. Tengo acuarelas, pinturas de aceite y acrilicos. Yo prefiero acrilicos. Acuarelas muy complicado. Aqui este mi primer paisaje.

Ullswater en el distrito de los Lagos parque nacional

Pinto de fotos. Mi Amigo tomo esta foto de ullswater. Ella ama mi pintura y ahora la tiene en su pared.

Retratos de mi familia

Mi familia

Uso seis colores y blanco. Cian, magenta, Amarillo, violeta verde, bermellon.

Aqui hay motos

Mi moto en mil novocientos ochenta y cuatro

Mi gusta pintura

Swan Hunter astillero y el rio Tyne de Hebburn mi ciudad natal

Y un otre

Estoy aprendiendo todo el tiempo porque quiero mejora.

Ciudad de Newcastle

Gracias para escuchar companeros de estudiantes y maestra

Six Years Later (A limited palette study from your sketches)

Townscape Malta

Well, I did say I would continue. Didn’t think it would be six years later though! After getting distracted from the OCA course all those years ago I never continued with the sketchbook, the incentive had gone. Any leisure time between working was taken up with cycling and other such non creative activities. No regrets though. I have since managed to ditch the major time consumer. I.e work. Retired last year and have relocated to sunnier climes in Spain. Currently in lockdown due to the global Covid 19 pandemic, and have been for almost eight weeks. So I’m back again to bore everyone again with these pained pencil and paper struggles. I intend to continue with the OCA course, albeit without tutor support and feedback. Also, now I’m free of the structured course tyranny I can take whatever artistic direction I fancy, as I had started doing anyway (see previous self portrait section).

The above drawing is from part three, Drawing Outdoors. Excercise: A Limited Palette Study From Your Sketches.

The brief is to use a sketch from your portfolio of townscape sketches. Select a drawing, then develop it in a limited palette of two or three colours. Conte pencils, coloured pencils or ink is to be the media.

I must admit, after previously living on Tyneside, I never got used to drawing outdoors. The thought of standing on a Newcastle street corner sketching amongst the boozed up toon army was a step too far in my pursuit of artistic creativity. The only outdoor drawing was undertaken as far from the madding crowd as possible, up in Hadrian’s wall county or the sublime Lake District . So for “sketchbook” read photo library in reality. This has become much easier in the intervening years since iPhone cameras have improved considerably.

Last year I spent a month in Malta on holiday. A lovely island with some interesting architecture so, with the townscape section of this course in mind, I took several reference photos. The traditional houses here have unique wooden bay window features, all gaily coloured, which I haven’t seen elsewhere. These would be the subject. Here’s the initial sketch.

Initial sketch

The course instruction is then to make a sketch of detailed architecture as follows; Bay window detail

Architectural detail

Next, a tonal study

Tonal study

So the preparation sketch work completed I elected to do an initial pencil drawing with a view to adding colour using Derwent Inktense pencils. Line drawing

Line drawing

Now we come to the thorny issue of colour. I’m comfortable sketching but using colour is a whole new ball game. I’m not familiar or well versed with any other media but photography or sketching pencils. Relative success was achieved with coloured pencil in the two assignments I managed to complete. This assignment suggests pencil or ink. So I opted for inktense pencils, of which I have had limited success. These are pencils but with water added take on the characteristics of ink, so very versatile. Here we go

A limited palette of two colours blue and yellow. The building, in reality is sand coloured with a pale blue bay window. I can achieve this with 4 pencils, two blues and two yellowish so crack on to a finished pencil drawing.

I’d already added water to attempt a pure block of colour for the sky. This had failed as I don’t think the pencils are suited for large washes of colour but I wanted to increase the shadow contrast, so tentatively added water with a brush and pressed on to completion.

Finished drawing

I am not entirely satisfied with the finished drawing. For the highlights I left the paper blank, as can be seen on the upper part of the house. The shadows are clearly shadows on the lower half but in reality almost black so could be emphasised even more. I should have simplified the shadows on the upper building as they distract from the overall picture. The clear light and shade of the sunny scene would have been rendered more correctly had I left this area white. I think the sharp angles of the flat roof give the drawing a sense of depth. The shadowed left wall receding into the distance reinforce this illusion. I feel I should have paid more attention to the tonal sketch for a better depiction of this bright sunny scene. Overall I think the scale and perspective appear correct but the tonal value and selection of colour could have been improved. With hindsight I could have played around with the characteristics of the pencils more before committing to the final drawing.